Righteous Vote

The majority of all living has one thing in common. We all have to eat to survive. Whether you are an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore your body will stop at some point in time if you eat nothing. Each classified group identifies food differently but in the same natural aspect. Throughout the history of all living, food has been naturally dispersed throughout our earth for our survival, how convenient. The food we identify has a purpose, which is to give us life, energy, and growth. We have evolved to become more dependent on our technological advances and conveniences that we have lost sight of survival.  Monsanto the creator of genetically modified organisms (GMO) has manipulated the DNA in natural foods and have engineered, patented, and grown millions of their seeds that have been distributed worldwide in replace of natural food consumption.

Over 60 countries have either labeled GMOs or have restricted them from even entering the country.  Unfortunately, after several attempts in the United States and millions of votes for the labeling/banning of GMOs, we come to a halt in the progress of understanding how powerful these seeds have over our wellbeing and future generations to come. I believe if people were educated about Monsanto and genetically modified foods, people wouldn’t buy into the all the mainstream food products that make up the majority of grocery store shelves. The FDA has stated that there is no need to label GMOs because they pose no health risks.  Over the recent years, Americans have been affected annually with 76 million food-related diseases. Genetic engineering produces toxins and novel viruses that are undetectable. Autism, diabetes, obesity and many other diseases have increased since the mainstream consumption of GMOs. 

Educating people about GMOs whether its small talk in a grocery store or standing outside with a sign, no matter how big or small the act is, it makes a difference. Since hitting mainstream in the 90s the public had no awareness of GMO. Children aren’t taught in schools, parents seem unaware or don’t care, and mainstream media deceives the seeds. It is our right to know what we are eating. Watching documentaries on GMOs is a good start to evolve your understanding of it. Buying from local organic farmers or growing your own organic seeds is a huge step. Being a part of your community and voicing your knowledge about what you know GMOs are may make the biggest impact in moving a step closer.  As people who live in a country of food deception we should feel naturally obligated to spread the knowledge of our corrupted food supply. In today’s society our money is our vote, you buy gmo you support gmo! Pick a side and stand up for your right.

Stephanie Nicole